Notes from Dr. Borkosky

baal vs yam

iii. Multiplying is God’s command at creation, and it is what God’s people do—even in Egypt. It struck Prince Sea on the skull, Judge River between the eyes.

The Israelites, like their neighbors in Canaan and Mesopotamia, probably understood that a major battle against the sea took place before the act of creation in Genesis. And more importantly, the real limitation of their power is that they were not able to make the chaos stop. Bless him you!”. By trying to reduce the number of Israelites and then refusing to let them go, Pharaoh is putting himself in direct conflict with Israel’s God. We have evidence that ancient Israelites elsewhere adopted the theomachy First, wholly apart from the cosmic battle motif, Genesis 1-3 has problems of its own for literalists. Israel’s God is depicted as a royal artist, not a bloodthirsty warlord. The second is Mot, the god of Death, associated with the desert and drought. Like the Enuma Elish’s political elevation of Marduk over other Mesopotamian gods, the Baal Cycle can also be read politically, as an argument or justification to abandon the primary worship of El in favor of Baal. Another example is the ninth plague, the plague of darkness. Why all the stress? That is why we are spending some time looking what the Bible delivers about creation. And how do we hold our interpretations lightly? Baal’s reputation has even filtered down to people named after him. Go further west a few centuries later though, in the Phoenicians’ North African colony of Carthage, and it is pretty clear that another Baal did receive children as burnt offerings.

Baal battles two adversaries in the story. But this is how the Israelites talked about creation in a number of places. Impact Stories

I realize there is a lot of information here, but these themes are wonderfully interconnected from Genesis through Exodus: cosmic battle, separation of elements, and deliverance from watery fate. But their power was limited. Science -Devoted sister of Baal >cf. And all along he has been keeping the Israelites safe and sticking it to the Egyptians. Baal-Hadad’s second conflict against Mot, the god of Death and drought, also has many parallels in nearby ancient myths, though here the story bears more resemblance to “cycles of fertility” myths. We began looking at how this theme is also present in the exodus story, the story that recounts Israel’s origins as a nation. Once you are in tuned to the cosmic battle motif in the Old Testament in general, you can see how that theme provides the theological “oomph” of the plague narrative. Israel’s God has no rivals, and simply speaks reality into being. It is also important that we hear an echo of the flood story here (which, as we’ve seen, is itself an echo of Genesis 1). Yahweh is about to kill the firstborn of Egypt in the tenth plague. Annual Reports He was afraid. The Hebrew stories about Canaanite/Phoenician child sacrifice become harder to dismiss as invented smears when they’re coupled with similar Greek and Roman stories about the Carthaginian practice. One way to read this story is as an allegory for civilization itself: with the application of the tools of civilization — technology and warfare — the power of the storm is channeled to drive back chaos and death. At first, it wasn’t clear if the infants were offered to Baal-Hamon alive, or if they were offered after having died of naturally causes. Five Scientific Signs Your Partner Might Cheat, Mata Hari in Living Color is Absolutely Stunning, 7 Things You Should Never Do in the Morning. But when Baal cooperates with others, he does have his uses. It is not uncommon for cultures to make up atrocities about their enemies. The Romans didn’t sacrifice children, but they were willing to accept the occasional murder of children for political gain — such as the great emperor Augustus’ killing of Cleopatra’s young son Caesarion — not to mention their fondness for mass crucifixions. Pharaoh sets himself up against the creator Yahweh, and Yahweh says, “I can play that game, too.” It is fitting for Yahweh to respond to Pharaoh by unleashing chaos against him: water turns to blood; frogs leap out of the water and invade the land; dust turns to gnats and blanket the land, as do swarms of flies; soot from furnaces turn to boils; thunder and lightning come out of a clear sky; the sun darkens. The exodus story is not about a bunch of slaves “set free” to go their own way and do as they please.

One example from Carthage: “It was to the Lady Tanit [Baal’s consort], Face of Baal and to Baal-Hammon that Bomilcar son of Hanno, grandson of Milkiathon, vowed this son of his own flesh. What’s so important about Mt. This supremacy is, after all, what the title Baal signifies — he becomes Lord of the gods. The Israelites remain in a habitable place. Homeschool Forum We welcome you to be a part of the growing group of people who are seeing science as the study of God’s creation while upholding the authority of the Bible!

The parting of the Red Sea is another act of “creation.”. He kept a bull and some wood for his sacrifice. Just as Moses “blessed” the people after completing the work (Exodus 39:43), God “blessed” (same Hebrew word) his creation in Genesis 1:22, 28; 2:3. Surely enough, in the 1920’s, archaeologists uncovered burnt infant remains near Carthage’s remains. Who is Baal? They are there to claim ownership of the Israelites for Yahweh: “Let my people go so that they might worship me in the desert” (7:16) But Pharaoh did not want to let them go. Warfield, Biblical Inerrancy, and Evolution. But archaeologists have since uncovered inscriptions making it clear that the children were given to Baal alive. Some ancient Jewish interpreters even described the bottom of the sea as an “herb-bearing plain” (Wisdom of Solomon 19:7). This is how the book of Exodus starts and this is why Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites. That battle is seen clearly in several Psalms and in Job. “The message of Yam, your lord, of your master, Judge Nahar: ‘Give up, O gods, him whom you harbor, him whom the multitudes harbor!

This supremacy is one reason why the Israelites declared Yahweh as worthy of worship. Baal vs. Yam-Yam=binatural (sea) >Also referred to as River, Nahar, Serpent, Dragon-Yam sends messengers to El demanding Baal, El agrees (gods afraid)-Kothar makes two clubs for Baal (Driver and Chaser); second one finishes off Yam (by-drinking him) Advisory Council

But leaving that larger issue to the side, the cosmic battle motif is very much in the background of Genesis 1, even if it is muted. They are not a random hissy fit. In the plague of hail, Pharaoh learns that “the earth is Yahweh’s” because Yahweh can make the hail stop (9:29). Psalm 104:7: “at your rebuke the waters fled.” This is not talking about low tide at the beach. God “creates” a new people and now gives them the stipulations to follow to cultivate true fellowship with the God who saved them. The Red Sea is the final battle in Exodus, but there is one more scene we need to look at: Mt Sinai. For centuries readers of Exodus have seen that the tabernacle is described in a way that makes one think of Genesis 1. Two things: law and tabernacle; behavior and worship. It is a “world” that symbolizes created order.

You crushed the heads of Leviathan.

The very beginning of the book lays out for us the conflict of the entire book.

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