Dental Health Program
Dental health is a vital part of your pet’s health care and one that is often ignored. It leads to heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure and many other chronic health issues. A lot of owners do not see the value in routine care – if we can’t see a problem, why do the procedure? Once you see the problem, it is a LOT bigger than you think. We then have to pull 3 or 4 (or more) teeth instead of just one. The bill then becomes much larger and the recovery more difficult. Yearly dental cleanings will significantly reduce the extractions and increase your pet’s quality of life. Dental month should not be just February every year. Here is our solution to help you provide better care for your loved one.
Initial Cleaning – $330. This includes a full mouth CT scan, ultrasonic scaling, polishing, sealing and all bloodwork and anesthesia.
Yearly Cleaning – Each yearly cleaning, as long as it is done within 365 days (366 during leap years) of the initial cleaning, will then only be $200. This will still include the CT scan, bloodwork, anesthesia and all the dental cleaning. If the pet requires an extraction or further dental work, these costs will be discounted by 10%. The discount also applies to any dental related medications (antibiotics, pain medication).
This is a much better value than 10% off every February for dental month. We will honor the dental cleaning in this past year as your full price dental you next dental if done within the year, will be the reduced cost.
We will be absolutely strict with the 1 year time frame. There is no variability from this. If you miss the 1 year anniversary, the next dental will be $330.
We look forward to helping bring better care to your pet!
Periodontal disease has been associated with diabetes, kidney disease, liver infections and heart disease in human as well as in your pet’s health. Dental disease is just as painful to your pet as it is for you.
We recommend starting dental care at a young age to prevent periodontal disease. We send home sample dental kits with every puppy and kitten so the habit of brushing teeth and using dental treats begins at an impressionable age. Annual dental examinations and when necessary dental cleanings are recommended. It is important to use some form of at-home dental care to keep your pet’s teeth healthy between cleanings.