Notes from Dr. Borkosky

pages in tarot

This guide is free and instantly downloadable on mobile, tablet and computer. For career and business readings, three Pages represent people in your workplace (or even online) who you have disagreements with.

The Pages of Tarot have little power and are highly influenced by the cards around them. Are you wondering what the significance is of getting four, three, or two Pages in your Tarot reading? The court cards represent the royal court of each suit, including a King and a Queen. So much that some versions actually paint them as Heralds. The reversed Page of Pentacles tarot love meaning can signal a lack of commitment and dedication when it comes to matters of the heart. Every Tarot reading is divided into sections representing your past, present and future. The Page of Wands is a great card to have in the present position, Wands are a symbol of creativity, and exploring your creative side with youthful exuberance in the present can pay off handsomely. Instead of focusing on long term companionship, you may find … The numbered cards run from Ace to ten. For love readings, two Pages can symbolize people on the outside of your relationship who have an input in the outcome of your romance. The Page of Wands in the present position suggests thinking differently, or outside the box. A child is not sophisticated enough to spot this type of deception. Pages Intro The Four Pages – Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. To run away from commitments in the name of a fresh start is immature behavior, and delays your full enjoyment the world as an adult. Pages have the power of youth.

Through her website she teaches both experienced and would-be readers how they can predict the future of their love lives, relationships and businesses using Tarot. Grab your copy here: Art Illustration: Have you got more than one Page in your Tarot card reading? If you feel in control, the Page is someone else.

In love or romantic readings, four Pages can mean that either you or your partner will return to education and this will have an impact on your relationship. This could also indicate behaving badly toward someone else. Pages also have a shadow side.

Below, I am going to explain to you exactly what it means when you get lots of Pages in your Tarot reading!

Sometimes we grow mentally younger as life goes on. I would be cautious as to not give other people (even children) too much say or power over your partnership. The good news here is that you might have more money than you have ever had before in your life, but you may behave childishly with your finances. That’s all for what it means when you receive lots of Pages in your Tarot card reading! Like childhood itself, the money may be gone before you realize it. Tagged: Tarot, Pages, Court cards, lots, multiple, meanings, meaning, interpretation. Continue on the path you’ve chosen for the best results.

For the following interpretations, I am going to use the above general Page meaning, my own personal experience, and historical sources to tell you what it means if you have received four, three or two Pages in your Tarot card reading.

Followed in a reading by a Knight, Queen or King they serve to underscore that you are on a great path. Copyright © 1996 - 2020 Aeclectic Tarot.

Surprisingly, in 1911 Waite (the creator of the Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck) noted that four Pages predicts illness; this may be because diseases are common in places where lots of children or young adults frequent. In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship the Page of Swords reversed can indicate that your partner may be playing mind games, be cold or uncaring in their treatment of you or bringing emotional baggage from a previous relationship into your relationship which is … A childhood in your future may be a time of new learning and embracing things you could not have imagined ever trying. The potential to inherit status and be great is there, but for now, they live a life of leisure and luxury. The Page of Pentacles is a tricky card to get in the present position, this card teaches about how to handle money. To revert to childishness around your responsibilities is merely an escape. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning Tarot reading teacher who currently resides in Scotland. Sometimes we grow mentally younger …

Personally, I interpret two Pages as representing younger (or young at heart!)

I say he, but really often the Pages are called princesses because in the holy Tarot family, especially if you go on the Tree of Life, you see down that middle pillar Kether, God the Father, Yesod, the moon, the Goddess, the great mother, we see Tiphareth, the sun just below the father, and just below the mother we see Malkuth, which is the princesses. The reason why this is so, is because many younger people together can often represent immature attitudes and behaviour. Whether reflecting your youthful sense of wonder or a new stage of learning, the Page is a card that symbolizes an introductory stage. If you would like to know more about how to interpret the intentions of your partner using The Court cards and other Tarot cards, be sure to check out my Love Tarot Meanings E-Book. Each set also contains one Knight and one Page. Swords represent words and ideas and the Page of Swords speaks his youthful truths to intense effect in the all-too proper adult world. So, if you are performing a love reading, I would say that three Pages represent people who are keen to meddle in your relationship and cause trouble. When four Pages appear in your readings, this generally means that education will play a significant role in your life at some point in the future.

This negativity may come to ahead in the future, so remain vigilant! Privacy Policy & Disclaimer. Surprisingly, in 1911 Waite (the creator of the Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck) noted that four Pages predicts illness; this may be because diseases are common in places where lots of children or young adults frequent. When more than one appears, this can mean that these individuals have an influence on your life.

For career or business readings, four Pages can predict that you will go on to work in schools, collages or other places where there are a lot of younger people.

Each of the four suits (Swords, Cups, Pentacles and Wands) is represented within the numbered cards and in the sixteen court cards of the deck. Any one of the Tarot’s court cards defines a position in life, from the childhood of the Page to the domineering fatherhood of the King. They may represent children or grandchildren in your future or they could refer to a retirement spent in blissful recreation. The Page brings a childlike joy into your life.

Therefore, getting more than one of them in your love, business or general Tarot card reading can mean that you will have many young people in your life. When this card appears in a reading, it indicates transformation in an area of your life. The Page of Cups, in the present position, indicates vulnerabilities in relating to others. Any one of the Tarot’s court cards defines a position in life, from the childhood of the Page to the domineering fatherhood of the King. Page cards in the future position signal this optimistic outlook. Contents of website is ©Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2018) not to be reproduced without permission.

Perhaps you are on vacation and have no plans. They serve the Royal figures of a suit in a more or less passive way. Tarot Court Card Meanings In-Depth: Pages By Brigit March 12, 2012 April 6th, 2019 One of the most common challenges for those learning Tarot is understanding the Court Cards.

Still, they carry the essence of their suit and act as the bearers of important news. The four Pages simply reflect your role as an educator or teacher in your field. Easily learn to read your Tarot cards online, with Tarot Success - The Complete Tarot Reading Course. The element of the pages is "Earth" indicating something young, growing, a seed planted. They can also represent the Querant, or someone they know who is older, but has something happening in their life which is making them feel young again. Pages Tarot Card Meanings. When a reading features two Pages, a lack of structure is indicated. In other words, go frolic! A Page card in the past position represents childlike feelings; joyful immersions in the world of play or ignorant acts of selfishness. people who are around you. The Page of Swords in the present position is like a breath of fresh air. Therefore, I would read four Pages negatively for health readings. Waite records that three Pages in a Tarot card reading symbolizes disputes; I agree. Also, below I have a 100% free Tarot for Beginner’s Guide which includes meanings, spreads and more. Contact us. Children speak unpleasant truths. In relationship readings, although there are exceptions I generally do not interpret Pages as representing the seeker (the person getting the reading) or their partner; for me, they are usually people outside of the relationship. The Pages in the Tarot represent children, a young unmarried woman, or young people (both genders) up to the age of 22. The cards around the Page tell the complete story.

All rights reserved. Below, I am going to explain to you exactly what it means when you get lots of Pages in your Tarot reading! The Tarot meaning of Pages has a special place in my perception because these are the dreamers of the Royal family. People who act like children to avoid the tougher parts of everyday life are eventually treated like children, punished or avoided by close companions who would ordinarily offer love and encouragement. Pages can also represent older people who are … 4 Must-Watch Webinars From National Psychic Week, Psychic Predictions and the 2020 Election. Are you wondering what the significance is of getting four, three, or two Pages in your Tarot reading? Pages are the lowest members of the court.

The outcome of your Tarot reading will be more intense with a Page as its foundation.

A natural position for Pages is in the past. The four Pages simply reflect your role as an educator or teacher in your field. An experienced Tarot reader is usually able to decipher the complex interconnections, but a good insight to keep in mind when it comes to Page cards is this: if things feel new and uncertain, the Page likely represents you.

They may be new workers at your job, or mentees which you will mentor and take under your wing in the near future. The first court cards are the Pages (also known as Princesses). They may represent children or grandchildren in your future or they could refer to a retirement spent in blissful recreation. I interpret four Pages in a Tarot reading as symbolizing education and apprenticeships. Perhaps someone is offering nurturing in order to get something from you for themselves. Get started now. Learn more here.

Pages of any suit in the future position are a small blessing, a glimmer of something to look forward to. Two Pages in your reading emphasize that no direction is your direction. For example, if you or your partner have children from a previous relationship the Pages represent them.

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